Friday, December 23, 2016

Just being Slighlty different.

This is the start of my first blog. I have had this page set up for years though I knew one day I wanted to share my story and also my gifts. Now feels like the best time to start.

I have always had the sight to see, meaning having the Five C described below. 

Clairsentience: (Clear Sensations and Feelings)  the ability to perceive information by a "feeling" within the whole body using your intuitive senses. 

Clairscent: (Clear Smelling) – To smell a fragrance/odor of substance or food which is not in one's surroundings. These odors are perceived without the aid of the physical nose.

Clairgustance: (Clear Taste) An inner tasting.  The ability to taste a flavor without actually putting anything into your mouth.
Clairvoyant: (Clear Vision) A clairvoyant is one who receives extrasensory impressions, and symbols in the form of mental images without the aid of the physical eyes. 

Clearaudience: (Clear Audio or Hearing)  To perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise, from spiritual or ethereal realm, which are perceived without the aid of the physical ear.

I am also a Medium. 

First real memory of vistors at my door especially at night, was when I was six year old. I would call to my mum saying there was a man at my door. Mum would come down saying there is none there. Though I could see as clear as anything this man who was tall with a hat standing right next to her.

I always knew I saw the world just slightly different to others, though I actually never thought it was different. When your little you think everyone saw the world the same way as you did. I would get little whispers in my ear on things that have happened, or seeing a loved one standing in the room when they had passed over. To be honest I thought it was just the way everyone else saw things.

I remember as a child I used to sleep at my grandmother's house who was my mum's mum. I always seemed to have dreams that felt real when I stayed.  One time when I was 8 years old, I had an awful feeling in my stomach that something was going on, then that night I dreamt I wouldn't see my grandfather again. My Pa Pa (which is the name he was called by us  18 grandchildren on my Dad's side ) was not ill. My Pa Pa was in the hospital and I was supposed to go and see him with my Dad, though Dad wasn't well. So the next day we got a phone call to tell us he passed away.

When I first found out inside me said yes you know this. So I wasn't shocked or upset it was like I knew. When it came to the funeral it was the first time I ever saw my Dad and Nana upset.  That puzzled me as I thought why is everyone so upset , Pa Pa is still here, you just cant see him. Easiest way to think of it is, loved ones are still here after they passed, there spirit is here with us, though most of us cant see them anymore. So we should think of them just being in the other room. 

When I was 12 years old, my Nana (my dad's mum)  had cancer so we knew she was going to pass. Same thing happened again. I went to stay at my grandmothers for a week. I had a dream of my Nana funeral, from the very start to the finish. I saw everything.In this dream again I wasnt able to say goodbye to my Nana. When I got back to my parents house, my mum told me that I wasnt allowed to see my Nana again due to her being very unwell and they didnt want me to remember her like that.  

I never saw my Nana again just like my Pa Pa, I didnt get to say my goodbyes like my sister's did. Nana's funeral was everything I saw in my dream, even where I stood and saw from my view. This vision did scare me slightly as it was so real and also I was getting to the age I started to realize death. 

Even though I used to think of loved ones in the other room, death has always scared me, I used to cry in my parents bed, please don't die. I used to be so scared of my own death as well. 
Its only now that growing up I can understand my world. 

Thanks for reading my first post, I will be writing more about my gifts, how I knew, how I have used them and also how you to can tap into your own special gifts. 

Nic xxxx

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